Po loňském úspěchu při openingu lávky jsme se rozhodli zopakovat velkou akci spojenou s HolKou, která propojuje 3 BŘEHY – Holešovice, Štvanici a Karlín.
~ english below ~
A spojila nejen pražské čtvrti, ale i vaše oblíbené letní podniky: Přístav 18600, Vrrrátnice, Baden Baden a Vlny Štvanice (River surf bar).
Co nás čeká?
17:00 Přístav 18600
18:00 Vlny Štvanice
19:00 Baden Baden
20:00 Vrrrátnice
After last year’s success with the opening of the footbridge, we decided to repeat the big event associated with HolKa, which connects the 3 shores – Holešovice, Štvanice and Karlín. 🤩
And it connected not only the Prague districts but also your favourite summer venues.
What’s in store for us?
You can look forward to a band that will walk and play from one side of the footbridge to the other. Who will it be? Be surprised, but if you frequent the Florence area, you might know them. 🤔
17:00 Přístav 18600
18:00 Vlny Štvanice
19:00 Baden Baden
20:00 Vrrrátnice
There will also be your favourite drink cards. Pick up a card at one of the venues listed above to get a stamp for every drink you buy. Once you’ve collected stamps from all four venues, free drinks are waiting for you. 🍻
And the icing on the cake at the end. 🍒 From all the completed cards we will draw two lucky winners who will win an entry training for surfing at Vlna Štvanice.
So don’t forget to mark the date in your diary and I look forward to seeing you in front of the boardwalk, on the boardwalk, behind the boardwalk, under the boardwalk.