Work in progress Seana Hendersona v Přístavu 18600!
Biological material constrained into an artificial structure, a performer and object explore the rift between the natural world and human civilization. Why the current disconnect, and what does it mean for who we were, are, and will be?
„The goal is to show the relationship between human and object, between performer and material. Through a process of reverse transformation, the material in contact with the performer will display different aspects of itself, diversity of material, and dynamism of the seemingly inanimate, awakening the perspective of what it means to be acted upon or after itself. Can relationships ever be strictly active or passive? Or does relationship by its very nature call for activity no matter how obvious or subtle? “
Foto: Vojtěch Brtnický
Představení je v roce 2021 součástí projektu Nová krev na scéně organizace Nová síť.
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