Synth Library: Nehudba nemíst vol. 2

25. 7. 2023 18:30 - 21:00

Nehudba nemíst – soundwalk with Sara Pinheiro (CZ+EN)
Připojte se k ohledávání prostředí a možností soužití skrze zvuk mimo vyšlapané cesty. Tentokrát nás na poslechovou procházku povede umělkyně a pedagožka Sara Pinheiro. Akce bude v angličtině. Překlad do češtiny bude k dispozici.
Join us to explore the environment and possibilities of living together through sound. This time we will be guided by artist and researcher Sara Pinheiro. The walk and workshop will be led in English, Czech translation available if needed.
In this workshop, we will approach our sonic environment from deep listening to deep recording, allowing the surrounding soundscape to unfold itself in time. Participants will be first invited to practice their listening skills based on Pauline Oliveros’s deep listening practice and on Murray Schafer’s soundscape features. Then, the space will be approached with extended-techniques of field recording, namely via contact microphones, geophones and hydrophones in order to unveil beyond what is immediately audible.
Kapacita je omezená, prosíme, registrujte se na:
Není třeba mít žádné předchozí znalosti a zkušenosti týkající se zvuku a technologií. Vítáme všechny ve věku od 12 let. S sebou si vezměte pevnější obuv a něco pohodlného na sebe, abychom se mohly*i pohybovat i v méně přístupném terénu.
Příspěvek je dobrovolný
The capacity is limited, please register at:
No previous experiences with sound and music needed. We welcome anyone 12 + yo. Wear some comfortable clothes and good shoes so we can walk the paths less traveled.
The donation is voluntary.
SARA PINHEIRO is a sound-maker. For film and video-art, she does sound recording, editing, foley and mixing. In her solo practice, she makes acousmatic pieces, usually for multichannel performances, radio broadcasts or installations. She is a member of the live-coding group K-o-l-e-k-t-i-v and collaborates with the Bystrouška Sound Studios, in Prague. She graduated in Cinema (Lisbon, 2008) and holds a Master of Music in Sonology (The Hague, 2012), where she is a guest lecturer. She is part of the teaching committee at CAS – FAMU since 2013. Her academic work is practice-based research under the name of “Acousmatic Foley” which is currently a PhD project at The School of Music and Media, in the Bangor University (UK).